Running Telegram via Tor on GNU/Linux

2020-11-08 2 min read

If you are in a country that cencors Telegram or if you are connecting from a private network that requires a proxy, you can use Tor to run Telegram.

Install the Tor package

Use the commands below to install the tor package on your computer.

on Arch Linux:

sudo pacman -S tor

on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install tor

Start the Tor service

After installing the tor package, you should start the tor.service:

sudo systemctl start tor.service

This will start the tor service and you will be able to use it on port 9050.

Add your custom proxy to Telegram

Open the Telegram Desktop app and go to the Settings > Advanced > Connection type. Check the box that says "Try connecting through IPv6". Also click on the "Use custom proxy" selection.

Now you can add a Tor proxy. Click the ADD PROXY button. SOCKS5 should be selected in the opened window. In the Socket address section, set the Hostname to and the Port to 9050.

That's all. Click the Save and Telegram will try to connect via this proxy.

To make this step faster, you can use this link as an alternative:

Tor by itself is not all you need to maintain your anonymity. There are several major pitfalls to watch out for (see: Want Tor To Really Work?).

Date: 2020-11-08
Categories: privacygnu linux